“To be free, We must all learn to ‘LoveAuthenticallee’.”
-Lee Swann, Author of “Authenticity Insurance” & CEO of LoveAuthenticallee LLC
A Message From the Author & CEO:
“Thank you for coming to the LoveAuthenticallee site. I am excited to share my blueprint with the world. My art in any and all forms is very near and dear to my heart, so thank you for your openness to my message and my story.
My purpose for the future is simple: help people heal through self-actualization, create safe spaces, and reshape our workplaces and communities for sustainable success through holistic self-development. I believe we all have the will, the power, and the drive to make the necessary personal improvements to achieve our goals and reach our maximum potential.
If we all were the best versions of ourselves, we would be able to illuminate the world from its unyielding darkness.”
- Lee Swann
“You are Light. Be Light.”
As Featured In:
Article: Community Highlights: Meet Lee Swann of LoveAuthenticallee
(*Works best on computer desktop over mobile device)
As Quoted By:
“There’s a significant lack of representation at the top, and these gaps could be filled by allowing more Hispanic, African American, and Asian professionals to challenge the status quo. They have the ability to solve complex, high-level problems, but the key is bringing these individuals into the room and giving them the space to voice their ideas.”
Article: Mentorship and Visibility: Unlocking Opportunities for African Americans in the Insurance Industry
“I love what I’m seeing in the intern space. We’re showing up at universities, bringing our A-game, and attracting amazing talent. But, where we really need improvement is in getting more people of color in senior leadership. We’re missing diverse voices at the top who can bring fresh ideas and challenge the status quo.”
Article: Where have insurance DEI initiatives gone right and wrong?