Be Part of the ATWOL Community!


Breathe Life Into the Community…

Check in for updates on new releases and share with your friends and family so you will actively have a hand in creating a community in which we may all thrive!

As Part of the Community, You Will Receive:

(1) Weekly Affirmation.

You will be aided as we all endure the struggle of turning a blind eye to negative thoughts that overtake us daily. We will no longer allow ourselves to be in our own way: No More Self-Sabotage!

(2) Moment of Honor.

A dose of History via this segment to ensure we never forget where we came from so we always can lead our own paths to where we are going.

(3) To Be Enlightened is to Be Informed.

You cannot make any decision without information. Delivered here is just the right amount of current news and events, but not too much. The key we will be learning here is Balance.

(4) Make the Choice to Try.

You never know what you do not know. This is designed to allow an open space for unique ideas to prosper. The world is a big place and we have to be open to explore it in all its glory from all perspectives and try new things.

Subscribe to receive updates.


“Don’t Sit Down and Wait For the Opportunities to Come. Get Up and Make Them.”

— Sarah Breedlove (Madam CJ Walker)


“It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done.”

— Nelson Mandela

“Love Makes Your Soul Crawl Out From Its Hiding Place.”

-Zora Neale Hurston
